Címke: Endangered Language
Citation in TalaMT: Multilingual Machine Translation for Cabécar-Bribri-Spanish (Jones et al., MRL-WS 2023)
Say It Right: AI Neural Machine Translation Empowers New Speakers To Revitalize Lemko cited in December 2023 by Jones and Coto-Solano of Dartmouth College, as well as González Campos of University of Costa Rica in TalaMT: Multilingual Machine Translation for Cab.car-Bribri-Spanish in the Proceedings of the 3rd Multilingual Representation Learning Workshop in Singapore.
New Experiment: Lab-Made Lemko?
A new experiment tests the hypothesis that a machine can translate into the endangered language of Lemko.
AI Empowers Speakers of Endangered Languages like Lemko Event Watchable On-Demand
The October 26, 2021 product launch and interactive demonstration was taped as can now be watched in its entirety here. To watch and follow along, visit the event page.