Dr. Anna Szlávi: Language & Computer Science for the Minoritized

I spoke with Gender in Tech expert Dr. Anna Szlávi about the surprising minority and minoritized dialect situation in Norway, bridging linguistics and computer science and empowering others to do so, Europe’s EUGAIN and STEM-UP projects, gendered pronouns and politics in Hungary, and how artificial intelligence and natural language processing engineers should approach gender in Slavic languages like Lemko Rusyn and Ukrainian.

Dr. Anna Szlávi

Anna Szlávi, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Connect with Dr. Szlávi


EUGAIN: Horizon Europe COST Action – European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics. Roles: Core Group Member, Young Researcher and Innovator Coordinator
The „Women STEM UP” Erasmus+ project aims at tackling a key challenge related to the persistent gender gap in STEM higher education. Roles: Executive Committee Member, WP3 Leader


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